Monday, January 6, 2014


Reverence Popcorn
To help motivate children toward reverence our Primary started these "reverence popcorn jars".  The idea is a positive reinforcement when they are well behaved.  We can put a kernel or scoop a handful into the jar.  The "clink" of the kernel against the glass is very satisfying and catches the children's attention.  The plan is to earn a popcorn party when the jar is full.  (Popcorn party=give each child a baggie of popped corn during Primary).  Truthfully, we have been working on these for months and haven't actually had the popcorn yet.  I will let you know how that goes.

Choosing Cans
This is our system for trying to make sure all the children in Primary have a turn.  If I need to pick helpers I can pick from the can of Jr. or Sr. Primary kids.  It helps to make sure the same kids don't get picked on all the time.  I usually say that I will only read their name if they are being reverent.  Then when we have worked through all the names we dump out the bucket and resort them into the Jr. and Sr. cans.

Hello Song!  
To welcome visitors we sing the Hello Song CS 260 and the visitor selects a flag from the collection.  Each flag has Hello in the language of that country written on the back.  If we have two visitors they can each pick a flag and we divide the room in half and have the echo be in different langues.  We have been doing it this way for a long time, but the kids are always still interested what language we are going to sing.

We bought these Families Are Forever practice CD's with this year's program songs on them.  We gave one to each family and I'm hopeful that the children will love listening to them and will have a pleasant way to practice and learn the songs.  We bought them here and paid about $2.50.  Thank you to my awesome Primary President for letting us get these!

I don't know who does the bulletin boards in our Primary Room.  It's not me.  But they are always fantastic and up to date.  I'm amazed by the talent and dedication that goes into Primary.