Saturday, January 18, 2014

I Know That My Savior Loves Me

We have been picking our snowball favorite songs at the end of singing time each week.  Last week the song we picked was "I Know That My Savior Loves Me".  I had never heard this song before.  I guess it was a program song a couple of years ago before I was put in.  The boy that picked it came up and helped lead it with me.  The words are beautiful and I could feel his sweet testimony as he sang the words.  This experience stuck with me all week.  I asked our Primary President if it would work for us to learn this song and sing it in Sacrament Meeting near Valentine's Day.  Get it?  Love and Valentine's Day?  She quickly got it set up.  I hope I can teach it to the children in time.  I'm going to teach "I Know That My Savior Loves Me" using this flipchart.  It's not in the songbook.  The sheet music is here.  It is one of the songs that has been added especially for the program.

I am also planning on playing a review game with "He Sent His Son".  I have a ball that I am going to let the children toss around.  I will stop the piano and whoever is holding the ball will need to say the word that comes next in the song.  I hope it's fun, but not too crazy.  The fun activities go from interactive to overactive in about 3 seconds.  Setting clear expectations about "staying in your seat" and "no hard hitting" should help.  

Lesson Plan:  
Opening:  If the Savior Stood Beside Me(sheet)
Bday:  Feliz Cumplianos 282
Welcome:  Hello w/ lang flags 260

Learn:  I Know That My Savior Loves Me (sheet) (Sac meeting performance Feb 9 or 16)
Jr=1st verse
Sr=Review 1st verse, learn 2nd with small group
Art of Faith #1 CS 122
Jr.=Wiggle Song:  Do As I’m Doing CS 276
Books in the Book of Mormon CS 119
Clapping Game
Sr. sing 3 times, beat 13 seconds
He Sent His Son CS 34
-Review Game with ball...when music stops must tell next word
Jr.=small group ask questions, rest of Primary answer

Sing:  I’ll Walk with You (if time)

Snowball Favorites as we have time